Many of us have experienced the cost of financial literacy gaps at one point or another. And if you’re like most folks, the gaps in your financial literacy probably cost you at least $500 last year alone.1

Think of it as a type of financial illiteracy tax. However, there is good news: you do NOT...

Financial FAQs

by AMeen Estaiteyeh on
From retirement savings to living abroad, here are some of our commonly asked questions.

Top 5 Financial Terms You Should Understand

by AMeen Estaiteyeh on

In recent weeks, you may have heard the word recession a lot. You may even have a vague understanding of what a recession is, but would like a better understanding of what a recession really is. What the Dow Jones Industrial Average? You probably hear that every night on the news and you know that...


There’s no doubt that it feels great to help someone in need through charitable giving. There are more than 1.5 million nonprofit organizations in the United States that range from food banks and disaster relief centers to churches and cultural centers. And in 2018, Americans contributed over 4...