Put Courage in Your Investment Strategy

by AMeen Estaiteyeh on
Warren Buffet has made no secret of his successful investing strategy. "Buy into fear" he says, "Buy when everyone else is selling". For most, average investors that may be much easier said than done. Perhaps if we all had a few billion dollars in the bank, we might be able to muster up more courage and take some more risks.
Most people are aware that they can begin collecting their Social Security retirement payout at age 62, and, in doing so, they are informed that they will be collecting a reduced benefit. And most people also know that, the longer they wait to collect benefits, they will receive a higher monthly benefit.

How Exactly Does Life Insurance Work?

by AMeen Estaiteyeh on
Few financial instruments are as complex as life insurance, but it doesn't have to be a mystery as to how it works. For most people, life insurance is the single most important part of their financial life as it may provide the only source of capital that will be needed to sustain a family's financial security when one of the breadwinners dies.

Why Should I Buy Whole Life Insurance

by AMeen Estaiteyeh on
For generations a debate has raged on over whether it’s best to buy whole life insurance or to buy term life insurance and “invest the difference”.  Proponents of each method are adamant in their positions and both offer sound reasoning in their answers.  But, for anyone to tell you which is the best for you without knowing anything about you is tantamount to someone

Year-End Tax Planning Begins Now

by AMeen Estaiteyeh on
With the holiday season looming, it's not too soon to do your year-end tax planning. One of the consequences of achieving financial success is that, what was once a relatively straightforward tax return increasingly becomes more involved as more tax issues come into the picture.

Is it Time again for Tax-Free Bonds?

by AMeen Estaiteyeh on
Over the past few years, municipal bonds may have fallen out of favor due to the fact that, until recently, the returns in the stock and bond markets were generating steady returns.

What You Should Know Before Buying Life Insurance

by AMeen Estaiteyeh on

Throughout its recent history, life insurance has been a paradox for many people. It’s greatly appreciated when it is needed most, at the death of a breadwinner, and it’s dreaded when it is being contemplated to fill a need.

Watching the roller coaster ride of the stock market can make many investors queasy.  Even though the stock market has, historically, always trended up, investors can’t help but feel uneasy as they watch the values of their portfolios rise and fall with the market.

The year 2020 was unprecedented for so many reasons—all because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many suffered from job losses, had to juggle childcare while working from home, and tried to keep their small businesses open with few resources. Thankfully, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security...

Why Should I Buy Whole Life Insurance?

by AMeen Estaiteyeh on
For generations a debate has raged on over whether it’s best to buy whole life insurance or to buy term life insurance and “invest the difference”.  Proponents of each method are adamant in their positions and both offer sound reasoning in their answers.  But, for anyone to tell you which is the best for you without knowing anything about you is tantamount to someone telling you which road to take without knowing where you are going.

The 4 Essential Elements of a Retirement Plan

by AMeen Estaiteyeh on
Until recently, many retirees have been able to rely upon the three-legged stool of retirement income sources: A defined benefit pension plan that guarantees a lifetime income, their own savings, and Social Security.