Protecting Your Biggest Asset

by Natalie Babik on

Life is full of risks, and people make decisions everyday that require weighing those risks against their ability to protect themselves using their own resources or by transferring the risk to an insurance company.  Most people realize that they couldn’t afford to rebuild a damaged home or buy a new car without insurance.

Insurance Made Cheaper Through Telematics

by Natalie Babik on

The car insurance bill arrives and yet again you let a deep sigh—all things considered the rate is way higher than it should be. You’re a considerate, cautious driver who hasn’t had an accident since you were 16 and backed into the garage! Which is precisely why you should start to pay attention to the term “telematics.”

When Filing for a Tax Extension Makes Sense

by Natalie Babik on

The annual meeting is rescheduled to sometime later this quarter and the family reunion is sometime next summer, but like certain holidays and your birthday you know you can always count on a few specific dates. It’s reassuring. One such day is Tax Day, AKA April 15. Yet, unlike a birthday this looming deadline tends to sneak up on you in the least enjoyable way.

4 Reasons You May Consider Keeping It

When it comes to retaining life insurance in retirement, there are two schools of thought regarding its necessity. The primary purpose of life insurance is to protect your family against a loss of income should you or your spouse pass away. Life insurance...

Ups and Downs of Online-Only Banking

by Natalie Babik on

The digital world has transformed professional industries in unique ways that prior to internet access would have been impossible. Doctors can monitor patients remotely, lawyers can offer counsel online, software can complete your taxes for you, and even financial investments and advertisements can...

Leave your Legacy through Planned Giving

by Natalie Babik on

There comes a point in life where you want to begin sharing or gifting all the things you’ve collected over the years—stories, wisdom, financial wealth. And unlike the Ancient Egyptians believed, you cannot take your worldly goods with you when your light goes out. You can share your stories wisdom in a manifesto or through funny tales to your family, but what about the money?

Here’s a thought: retirement doesn’t mean the end. It doesn’t mean an end of self-importance or purpose, it just means a new chapter—a paradigm shift of what life is beyond long days and meetings and bosses. Unless you own your own business, and even then, you are not your business.

Helpful Life Insurance Advice You Can Use

by Natalie Babik on

Few consumer products are the object of a love/hate relationship as life insurance.  The thought of buying life insurance is not something that most physicians relish, yet, if it is done right, it can provide the greatest peace-of-mind a person can have. The key is to do it right.

Biggest Misconceptions About Business Insurance

by Natalie Babik on

Business owners have a tremendous opportunity to generate significant rewards from a business in which they have invested heavily. However, as with any opportunity with the potential for great rewards, there are great risks, many of which have the potential to create a serious financial hardship on a business.

When you buy a life insurance policy, you are essentially transferring your financial risk to a life insurer which then becomes obligated to pay your beneficiaries based on the contracted amount of death benefit purchased. The life insurer is able to assume the risk because, based on its data, it knows when you are expected to die.