There is no getting around it—health insurance is complex and complicated. You have to have it and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. And, when your child is living with a special need it makes the whole process even more complicated. Finding in-network specialists, scheduling exams, and keeping track of copayments and deductibles can be exhausting.

Understanding Annuity Costs

by Natalie Babik on

There have been enough written and said about annuities to know that they do include certain costs that you wouldn’t ordinarily encounter with other types of investment products. Still, it is interesting that annuity critics try to illustrate cost disparities by comparing them with the other products.

Retirement Success

by Natalie Babik on



Retirement can invoke a mix of conflicting emotions from anticipation to fear, excitement to anxiety. It’s one of the biggest life changes we experience in our adult lives. Most of us anticipate and save for it for decades. But, going from receiving a paycheck for most of your adult life...

The Best Place to Buy Life Insurance

by Natalie Babik on

There are literally hundreds of life insurance providers that offer thousands of life insurance products through a myriad of distribution channels.

Helpful Life Insurance Advice You Can Use

by Natalie Babik on

Few consumer products are the object of a love/hate relationship as life insurance.  The thought of buying life insurance is not something that most physicians relish, yet, if it is done right, it can provide the greatest peace-of-mind a person can have. The key is to do it right.

Life Unexpected: Are You Prepared?

by Natalie Babik on

Life happens, and, when it does, it sometimes has a tendency to get in the way of the things we are trying do for ourselves and our families.

Unwrap a Holiday Free of Financial Stress

by Natalie Babik on

The stockings have been hung, candles lit, lights strung, and carols sung when the financial stress begins to peek behind the corners of brown paper packages tied up with string. Everything’s shiny and cozy but you can’t extinguish that tiny feeling that you went way over budget this holiday. You’re not alone; holidays are a particularly financially stressful time for many.

It sucks to be rich. At least that’s how one might interpret the general feelings of high net-worth individuals who respond to the ACE Private Risk Services Survey on Personal Liability Perceptions and Behavior Among Wealthy Households (2014).

Meet the 529: Your Best New Collegiate Friend

by Natalie Babik on

After the shock and joy immediately following the baby’s birth then all the other emotions set in as you mentally fast forward through the sudden expenses to be expected in the of the biggest being the cost of education. Now, more than ever, a bachelor’s or a trade degree is essential for a future.

For many people, structuring their auto insurance policy comes down to obtaining the greatest amount of coverage at the lowest cost. Because auto insurance has become commoditized, the focus often shifts to the premium amount as the primary point of comparison, which is fine as long as you don’t lose sight of what it is you are trying to protect.

After the ball drops on New Year’s Eve, we dig up our hopes and dreams and make some resolutions. Getting back in the gym, losing weight, and eating clean, are usually at the top of the list, but what about your finances? The health of your accounts, spending habits, and investments are just as important to evaluate.